3 Reasons to Have a Tenant Portal in Boulder, Colorado

3 Reasons to Have a Tenant Portal in Boulder, Colorado

A 2020 survey reported that 60% of respondents paid their credit card bills online. It's become common for people to pay their bills online, and it's one reason why you should consider a tenant portal.

Tenant web access can help make rental collection easier. All renters need to do is log in and attach a payment method. They can even sign up for automatic payments.

Digitizing rental property management streamlines the process in many ways. You don't need as much paperwork, and organization isn't as troublesome.

There are various other justifications for having a tenant portal. Keep reading to learn three reasons why tenant web access is a must-have for your landlord business.

1. Online Access Makes Signing Leases Easier

Online signatures are more convenient for tenants and property owners. Neither party has to meet face-to-face to sign leases. The affair is quick and simple through a tenant portal.

Online lease signatures are helpful for renters moving from far-off areas and people renewing rental agreements. It's easier to pull up a lease online than to search through paperwork for a copy or contact you.

People can access their lease from their phones, tablets, or computers to review requirements, stipulations, and penalties. Having the form makes it easy for both parties to negotiate or raise (or answer) questions.

2. Maintenance Requests Are Easier to Make and Fulfill

Before widespread online usage, tenants would have to either call or track you down to put in maintenance requests. While email is faster than a phone call, it still depends on whether you see the request in your mailbox.

The tenant portal makes it easier to see who needs repairs done. Communicating issues like leaky faucets or drafty windows should be quick and straightforward.

That's because regular property maintenance is key to maximizing profits. You can charge more for a well-maintained building full of happy tenants.

3. Communication Is Faster and Less Hassle

There is no promise that you won't experience technical issues with the tenant portal. But it's still faster to send a message online than to call. You can reduce call volume and free up extra time for other concerns.

Renters can ask questions and raise concerns at any time. Tenant web access keeps records of conversations through its chat function.

Tenant portals even provide 24-hour service. Renters can make and cancel appointments and put in service requests when you're off work or asleep. You can tell renters about rent increases and events.

What Can a Tenant Portal Do for You?

A tenant portal can make rent collection, lease signatures, maintenance requests, and communication a better experience for everyone.

Rental property management can be difficult enough without too much paperwork and phone calls bogging everything down. PMI Flatirons Group can help you take advantage of online accessibility.

PMI Flatirons has over 20 years of providing excellent customer service and property management assistance. We want to help bring out the best in your Boulder, CO. rental property.

You can reach us here or call 720-773-7570, Monday through Sunday, from 9 AM to 5 PM.
